Rocket Streaming Blog

Streaming Audio News and Tips

Articles in the Product Updates category

RSAS Logo RSAS 1.0.5 Released

We're pleased to announce the release of RSAS 1.0.5. Rocket Streaming Audio Server (RSAS) is a high-performance webserver for distributing live streaming audio through the web, optimized for low latency and high numbers of simultaneous listeners.

This new release is a recommended update for all users.

Download RSAS 1.0.5 today from our Downloads page.

Looped Audio Files

We've redesigned the Looped Audio Files feature (aka fallback files) to solve some long-standing issues, allowing them to now be much more useful as fallbacks. Fallback files no longer rely on client-side buffering to throttle playback, which improves compatibility with players and prevents delay from accumulating. Looped Audio File sources now start automatically too, which makes them more usable as fallbacks in practice.

When connected to a Looped Audio File mount, listeners will now all hear the same audio from a common playback position. Previously, each listener would hear the audio starting from the beginning of the file. We acknowledge this change in behaviour may not be ideal for all broadcasters, but in order to implement the other usability improvements mentioned above, we had to make a tradeoff, and this was a result of that.

HLS Improvements

HLS playlists now include the EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME, which helps players do timeshifting over long periods of itme.

Dependencies and Build Overhaul

We've performed a major upgrade of our build system as part of ongoing maintenance necessary to keep RSAS production-ready, secure, and supported on as many platforms as possible. RSAS has been upgraded to use OpenSSL 3.1 and is now statically linked against it, to allow us to continue supporting older Linux distributions for longer. These build system changes also recently allowed us to respond quickly to security concerns over liblzma and audit our use of it.

Speaking of builds, we've added support for Ubuntu 24.04, which is the new Ubuntu LTS release slated for April 25th.

Other Changes

For a full list of changes including bugfixes, please refer to the CHANGELOG.

RSAS Logo RSAS 1.0.4 Released

We're pleased to announce the release of RSAS 1.0.4. Rocket Streaming Audio Server (RSAS) is a high-performance webserver for distributing live streaming audio through the web, optimized for low latency and high numbers of simultaneous listeners.

This release is primarily a bugfix release, but there are a few minor new features as well. This version is a recommended update for all HLS users.

Download RSAS 1.0.4 today from our Downloads page.

What's new in RSAS 1.0.4?

Codec Detection

RSAS now detects the codec used by each stream and includes this information in the /health API. Having this information available at a glance is useful for troubleshooting and validation.

HLS Customization

You can now customize the HLS segment size and number of segments in a playlist, which allows broadcasters to make their streams rewindable further into the past. For more information, see HLS Settings.

Custom HTTP Headers

Custom HTTP headers can now be added to all responses, or scoped by port, VHost, or mount. This feature makes RSAS more flexible and eliminates the need to put a reverse proxy in front of it in many enterprise environments.

For more information, see our docs on Custom HTTP Headers.

Proxy Server Support

RSAS can now use a proxy server for outbound HTTP requests, which is useful in corporate environments. Read more about proxy server support in RSAS.

Other Changes

For a full list of changes including bugfixes, please refer to the CHANGELOG.

What's next?

We are still finalizing our roadmap for the next major release and are not yet ready to announce details on features.

What we can share is that we will be overhauling our build system and are hoping to see some performance improvements and support for new platforms (Raspberry Pi). We will also be upgrading to OpenSSL 3, as OpenSSL 1.1.1 is EOL. In order to continue supporting RSAS on older platforms like CentOS 7, which do not have OpenSSL 3, we will be switching to statically linking all dependencies, including OpenSSL. As a consequence, it will be even more important for you to stay appraised of RSAS releases in case there's another Heartbleed-style situation, so please make sure to join our low-traffic rsas-announce mailing list if you are running RSAS on the public internet.

RSAS Logo RSAS 1.0.3 and Rocket Broadcaster 1.3.37 Released

We're pleased to announce the release of RSAS 1.0.3 and Rocket Broadcaster 1.3.37! Rocket Streaming Audio Server (RSAS) is a high-performance webserver for distributing live streaming audio through the web, with low latency and high listener capacity. Rocket Broadcaster is a streaming audio encoder for capturing live audio and sending it to a high capacity server, such as RSAS, for distribution to listeners.

RSAS 1.0.3

RSAS 1.0.3 is primarily a bugfix release that includes a fix for HLS on Windows and a rare issue that could cause source connections to get stuck on Linux.

Get RSAS 1.0.3 today from our downloads page.

Changes include:

  • Webhook source auth: Added http_status field, which passes through the original request's full status line.
  • Webhook source and listener auth: Pass through client HTTP headers as HTTP headers (with the header_prefix), in addition to POST body params (backwards compatible). Read more about this change in the webhook authentication docs.
  • Bugfix: Persistent relays could in certain situations not kick relaying listeners when failing, preventing downstream failover.
  • Bugfix: Fixed rare issue causing read timeout mechanism to fail, leading to stuck source connections or webhooks.
  • Bugfix: Fixed compatibility with older FLAC encoders
  • Bugfix: Fixed preroll truncation on Linux and force audio frame sync after preroll.
  • Bugfix: Windows GUI: Fixed hostname setting not saving (HLS)
  • Bugfix: Windows GUI: Fixed empty max-listener-duration causing error on startup.

Rocket Broadcaster 1.3.37

Rocket Broadcaster 1.3.37 is a cumulative update that contains important bugfixes for Radio Mast users along with some minor features.

Changes include:

  • Added CPU usage monitor for encoders linked to Radio Mast.
  • Added support for Smarts Broadcast Skylla metadata format
  • Added support for "Hyphen Delimited" metadata format.
  • Added "%ignore%" token for Window Title metadata capture, to allow ignoring certain parts of a window title.
  • Network optimizations
  • Fixed rare instability caused by the "Link to Radio Mast" feature.

Rocket Broadcaster Pro customers can download the latest version by logging into the Oscillicious Shop and clicking "My Products".

Free Edition users can download Rocket Broadcaster here.

RSAS Logo RSAS 1.0 Released

RSAS 1.0 Banner - Rocket Streaming Audio Server Logo.

After more than a year of development, we're pleased to announce RSAS 1.0 is now available! First released 3 years ago, Rocket Streaming Audio Server (RSAS) is a high-performance webserver designed for delivering live streaming audio through the web, with low latency and high listener capacity.

This major milestone has something for all our users and delivers on our vision of creating an Icecast-compatible streaming server that brings live audio broadcasting into the 21st century. RSAS 1.0 offers exciting new features and higher performance than ever before. Each new feature has been designed with usability in mind, while continuing to offer the unmatched high performance we strive for.

Today, RSAS powers live streaming audio for thousands of radio stations, major sports teams, governments, national public broadcasters, emergency services, telecom operators, and our Radio Mast CDN.

➡️Get RSAS 1.0 now from our downloads page.

Upgrading on Linux? Please read our instructions on upgrading to 1.0.

We owe our amazing user community a big thank you for your feedback, feature suggestions, and bug reports that have helped shape RSAS. Special thanks to our partners at G&L Geißendörfer & Leschinsky and Andy Steven at North Broadcast for going the extra mile with bug reporting and testing.

What's new in RSAS 1.0?

HLS Audio

HLS is a modern streaming protocol designed for better reliability and lower battery usage on mobile devices. Until now, HLS for live streaming audio faced limited adoption by radio broadcasters due to a lack of support from encoders and streaming servers, as it remains unsupported by Icecast and SHOUTcast. HLS audio stacks in the wild often consist of ad-hoc shell scripts, obscure FFMPEG commands, and various webservers glued together which lack the robustness and observability expected by broadcast engineers.

We are excited to announce that RSAS now supports HLS for live audio, and provides broadcasters with an easy migration path to adopt HLS for more reliable streaming to mobile devices.

RSAS transmuxes your existing MP3 and AAC streams into HLS (without re-encoding), so no changes to your existing encoder setup are needed and effectively making HLS audio encoders obsolete. Additionally, HLS listeners are included in the listener statistics provided by /health and HLS listener sessions are reported in the access.log just like traditional HTTP streaming listeners, for compatibility with your existing listener statistics processing setup. This design allows broadcasters to easily adopt HLS without changes to your encoder or listener statistics setup. RSAS provides a tightly integrated HLS live audio solution that provides the benefits of HLS without the costs of rearchitecting your live streaming.

Some of the HLS features included in this release are:

  • Converting existing MP3 and HLS streams to HLS - just enable HLS and then add /hls.m3u8 to the end of your stream URL
  • ID3 metadata for HLS
  • Integration with /health listener counts and access.log listener session logging.
  • Relaying HLS streams from other RSAS instances (with intelligent caching)

To get started with HLS, head over to our HLS documentation.

Ad Insertion - Preroll, Midroll, and Postroll

RSAS now has the ability to play a preroll audio clip to for listeners when they connect, before playing your live audio. For convenience, your preroll can be specified as a URL to a remote audio file, which is downloaded and cached by RSAS. This powerful feature allows your preroll to be updated dynamically and saves you the hassle of distributing preroll audio files to multiple servers.

Preroll ads can also be dynamically customized on a per-listener basis via the Listener Authentication Webhook.

Midroll support allows you to insert audio clips (ads, jingles, etc.) in the middle of your stream. Ad breaks are triggerable via metadata from your encoder or via the Manage API. Midroll support is programmable and requires integration with your own midroll webhook handler, where your handler returns a list of audio files to insert into a stream.

Ad insertion is not yet supported with HLS, but is on the roadmap for a future release.

Visit our documentation on Ad Insertion for more information.

HTTP/1.1 and File Serving Performance Optimizations

RSAS is now an extremely fast webserver for serving static files too.

Since HLS involves serving audio in file-based segments, in order to optimize HLS performance on both the server and client side, we implemented HTTP/1.1 and revamped our static file serving code. RSAS now supports HTTP/1.1 "Keep-Alive" and range requests for seeking in static files such as podcasts or video files. (RSAS can serve MP4 video files with seeking out-of-the-box now!)

Static file serving is now fully asynchronous and is blazing fast.

How fast? On Windows, RSAS beats both nginx and Apache in static file requests per second. On Linux, RSAS beats Apache and ties with nginx in single threaded performance.

Requests per second benchmark comparing RSAS, Apache2, and nginx. RSAS scores the highest RPS.
Single-threaded benchmark serving an 88 KB file with Apache2 2.4.54, nginx 1.22.1, and RSAS 1.0.0. Linux tests performed on Ubuntu 22.04 on a Ryzen 2700X. Windows tests ran on Windows 11 and a Ryzen 5700G.

Overhauled Linux Packages

On Debian, Ubuntu, and CentOS, our RSAS packages have been upgraded to install RSAS as a systemd service and run as a separate rsas user. Our Linux static binary and FreeBSD tarballs also now include an installer script.

Upgrading from a pre-1.0 version? Read our upgrading instructions here.

Password Protection for /health

By popular demand, the /health endpoint can now be password protected to prevent enumeration of your streams. We've also introduced mount-specific /<mount>/health endpoints, which can also be password protected.

More Icecast APIs

For better integration with third party Icecast statistics platforms, RSAS now implements several missing Icecast APIs, including:

  • /admin/stats
  • /admin/listclients
  • /admin/listmounts

Use of these APIs requires an <admin-password> to be set in your configuration and enabling the Icecast-compatible status page.

For more information, please see our Icecast APIs documentation.

Release Notes and Mailing List

For the full list of new features and changes, please see the CHANGELOG. RSAS 1.0 includes a number of other smaller features as well as nearly 20 bugfixes.

We've also introduced a new low-traffic mailing list, rsas-announce, for release announcements and security advisories. If you're running RSAS in production, we recommend joining.

📡 Downloads and Getting Started

RSAS 1.0 is available today for Linux, Windows, and FreeBSD. The Free Edition supports up to 100 concurrent listeners.

Upgrade to RSAS Pro to handle up to 1 million concurrent listeners. RSAS Pro licenses are available from our shop.

RSAS for Windows includes a friendly user interface for easy administration and installs as background service.

We recommend taking a quick skim over our documentation after you download RSAS. Linux users will need to create a configuration file and can get started with one of our examples.

What's Next?

We expect a number of small bugfix point releases to roll out over the coming weeks as we receive feedback on the 1.0 release.

The next major features under consideration are ad insertion support for HLS (preroll, midroll, postroll), support for kernel TLS to improve HTTPS performance on modern kernels, and support for other streaming protocols. We'd also like to have RPMs for Alma Linux and Rocky Linux (which may still work with our existing CentOS 8 packages).

📧 Feedback and Feature Suggestions

RSAS 1.0 is the culmination of years of feedback from broadcasters. Your feedback is essential in steering the future of live streaming audio. If you have feedback or feature suggestions, we'd love to hear from you.

RSAS Logo Benchmarking RSAS, Icecast, and SHOUTcast - Round 2

Three years ago, we benchmarked RSAS, Icecast-KH, and SHOUTcast to see how each performed with 10,000 listeners connected. RSAS was shown to be the fastest streaming audio server, with the lowest CPU usage, which is the main bottleneck. With the release of RSAS 1.0, we decided it was time for a new round of benchmarks.

This year, we're going to try ramping up each server to 240,000 listeners and see what happens.

We'll also be trying to improve our benchmarking technique and answer two questions:

1. Which streaming audio server can handle the most listeners?

This question is important for broadcasters because more efficient streaming server software means being able to serve more listeners on the same (or even slower) hardware, leading to cost savings. It is also important to test the maximum capacity of streaming server to check scaling behaviour:

  • Does the streaming server effectively use all available cores?
  • Are there any internal bottlenecks in the streaming server that prevent it from scaling?

This year, we're also testing vanilla Xiph Icecast. Although the "Icecast-KH" fork of Icecast is regarded as having better performance, we wanted to see how Xiph Icecast actually compares.

2. How consistent is the performance of each at high loads?

We've heard from numerous users that Icecast has a listener limit of around 24,000 listeners, after which playback goes choppy. Today, we're going to investigate this and see if we can reproduce it. We're going to push each streaming server to its limit and see what happens.

Test Setup

We've upgraded our test systems since our last benchmarks, so we can try higher listeners counts:

  • Server PC: Ryzen 2700 (8c/16t), 32 GB DDR4 (@ 3200 MHz), Ubuntu 20.04
  • Client PC: Ryzen 5950X (16c/32t), 32 GB DDR4 (@ 3600 MHz), Ubuntu 20.04

Both PCs were directly connected using a pair of Mellanox ConnectX-3 Ethernet cards and a 40 Gbps direct attach copper cable. On the client PC, multiple instances of ab were ramped up and connected via HTTP to the server PC, each simulating 1000 concurrent listeners, until we reached 240,000 or the server's limit. Standard tuning was also applied to each PC to allow them to handle high numbers of network connections (increased socket descriptor limits, etc.).

Listener counts were recorded by polling the status page of each server.

The server PC was configured with the following software:

  • RSAS 1.0.0 pre-release
  • Icecast 2.4.4
  • Icecast-KH 2.4.0-kh15
  • SHOUTcast

These are all the latest versions as of August 30th, 2021. A single 64 kbps MP3 relay was configured on each Icecast-compatible server. For Shoutcast, a single 64 kbps MP3 stream was encoded by Rocket Broadcaster using the Shoutcast 1 protocol.

Benchmark Results

CPU Usage vs. Listeners

CPU usage graph: RSAS vs. Icecast and Shoutcast with 240,000 listeners
The average CPU usage of RSAS, Icecast, and SHOUTcast, ramping up to 240,000 listeners connected, sampled over 300 seconds.
Xiph Icecast

Surprisingly, vanilla Xiph Icecast didn't even get off the ground and failed our test immediately. Spinning up 3000 listeners immediately overloaded Icecast, causing it to become unresponsive and freeze. We even slowed down our test to only spin up 100 listeners every 3 seconds, and this too caused it to become overloaded. We were unable to collect data because when our benchmark suite polled the Icecast status page to retrieve the listener count, Icecast was unresponsive.

Since it couldn't run the test, Xiph Icecast is omitted from our graphs and the rest of our analysis.

Icecast-KH CPU usage and listeners vs. time, ramping up to 240,000 listeners. Icecast-KH flatlines on CPU usage after 30K listeners
Icecast-KH reaches saturation after about 30K listeners

Icecast-KH seems to fair well for the first 50 seconds of the test, as it ramps up to about 30,000 listeners. However, beyond this point, we see the CPU usage going flat. Icecast-KH is accepting new connections, yet somehow the CPU usage is not increasing. What's going on?

When manually connecting with a player, we can hear the problem - We're able to connect, but Icecast-KH doesn't send us any audio. Despite low CPU usage, once the Icecast reaches this saturation point, listeners are able to connect, but are no longer being served streaming audio. This is problematic because it means your production Icecast server may be failing to serve listeners and hitting an internal bottleneck without you realizing.

We'll see that this theory is confirmed in the bandwidth graph below.

Shoutcast CPU usage and listeners vs. time, ramping up to 240,000 listeners. Shoutcast flatlines on CPU usage after 20K listeners
Shoutcast reaches saturation after about 20K listeners

Shoutcast fairs similarly to Icecast-KH in this test, but exhibits slightly different behaviour. After about 20,000 listeners, Shoutcast's CPU usage stops increasing indicating the server has reached saturation and the rate at which it can accept new listeners drops. Once it reaches saturation, it is no longer able to keep up with adding new listeners, so by the end of the test, it only reached 60,000 listeners. At saturation, response times increased majorly and new listeners were not able to receive audio.

RSAS CPU usage and listeners vs. time, ramping up to 240,000 listeners. RSAS succeeds in reaching 240,000 and CPU usage scales linearly.
RSAS reaches 240,000 listeners!

RSAS is the only streaming server that manages to run this test successfully, accepting and serving audio to 240,000 listeners simultaneously in our test setup. The graph shows what we want to see: CPU usage increasing linearly as listener counts increasing. The spikes are showing the extra work RSAS is doing to accept a batch of 1000 new listeners and are normal behaviour. Above 200,000 we see that the rate at which it accepts new listeners slows down, but it manages to keep up and successfully reaches 240,000 listeners and serves live audio to every listener.

How do we know RSAS was serving audio successfully to each listener?

To help verify this, we measured the bandwidth usage while running these tests, in addition to doing manual testing. Before running each test, we connected as a real listener to ensure the audio was not choppy as the load test ran. We also connected as a new listener at the end of each test, to verify new listeners were still receiving audio.

Bandwidth vs. Listeners

To help interpret the odd CPU usage scaling behaviour and reports of choppy audio with Icecast at saturation, we measured the bandwidth used during each test:

Bandwidth usage graph: RSAS vs. Icecast and Shoutcast with 240,000 listeners

The bandwidth graphs above are consistent with the CPU usage behaviour we noticed earlier and explains why listeners receive choppy audio or no audio with Icecast-KH and Shoutcast after saturation - Those servers simply stop sending audio!

RSAS is the only server that actually manages to serve live streaming audio to 240,000 listeners. We can see that the bandwidth scales up linearly with the listener count, as it should, and that it reaches the expected bandwidth usage for this number of listeners (64 kbps x 240,000 = 15.4 Gbps).

RSAS is able to accomplish this by efficient use of multithreading and optimizations for modern hardware. We optimize RSAS not just for bragging rights, but so that it scales efficiently on your hardware and is easy to monitor in production. Even at 95% CPU usage, RSAS is still able to serve smooth audio to your listeners, whereas Icecast and Shoutcast start having problems at much lower load levels, which make them difficult to monitor and troubleshoot in production.

"Why is my stream choppy?" - Here we showed that the answer can be that your Icecast or Shoutcast server is saturated, despite having low CPU usage.

The Bottom Line

RSAS comes out on top again as the highest performing streaming audio server, allowing broadcasters to serve more listeners than ever before with the same hardware.

Questions about RSAS or planning high capacity streaming audio? Get in touch!

RSAS Logo RSAS 0.1.20 Released

We're pleased to announce the release of RSAS 0.1.20! Rocket Streaming Audio Server (RSAS) is a high-performance webserver designed for broadcasting live streaming audio through the web, with low latency and high listener capacity.

This release contains major performance improvements, a new management API, tons of small improvements to existing features, and bugfixes.

➡️ Get RSAS 0.1.20 today from our downloads page.

Wait, what happened to RSAS 0.1.19?

We're skipping it. Late in the development cycle of 0.1.19, we started pursuing a new line of optimizations to boost performance on very large servers with hundreds of thousands of listeners. We started working on these optimizations in a separate branch for 0.1.20 and continued final preparations for the 0.1.19 release. However, our benchmark results for 0.1.20 were so good that we put it through our QA process and quickly started using it in production at Radio Mast. We've excited to share 0.1.20 with you as an even better version of RSAS than we initially planned.

Without further ado, here's what's new in RSAS 0.1.20:

Performance Boost

In this update, our new optimizations have achieved a roughly 2x reduction in CPU usage at high workloads, enabling broadcasters to reach more listeners than ever before on a single server. We've also further reduced the CPU usage for relays. No changes or config tweaks are required, simply upgrade and enjoy.

On our server test rig with a Ryzen 2700 processor (8 cores, 16 threads), RSAS is now able to serve 240,000 concurrent listeners on a 64 kbps MP3 stream. This is on a consumer-class CPU that is already 2 generations old. Importantly, RSAS fully utilizes all available cores and is limited by CPU speed alone.

RSAS /health screenshot with 240,000 listeners RSAS CPU usage in htop with 240,000 listeners on a Ryzen 2700 CPU. RSAS network traffic in nload with 240,000 listeners
RSAS /health screenshot, htop showing CPU utilization, and nload showing network traffic with 240,000 listeners.

In the nload screenshot, RSAS is sending almost 15 Gbps of traffic!

We'll be publishing an updated set of benchmarks with more details soon, so be sure to check back.

Manage API

The new Manage API allows you to perform management actions on individual mounts. Two actions have been implemented thus far, allowing you to force a source to disconnect (kick) or move listeners to a different mount.

Read more about the new Manage API here.

Seamless Takeover

Compatible encoders can now seamless kick and takeover an existing stream when they connect. When connecting to RSAS with Rocket Broadcaster 1.3.22 and up, if a stream mount is already in use, users will be prompted if they want to kick the existing source. This allows broadcasters to seamlessly takeover a stream or switch DJs without any dead air.

Other Small Features:

  • Relay URLs can now be changed dynamically via config reloads. Listeners will get moved to the new URL.
  • Added admin-password config setting from Icecast (currently only used for the Manage API).
  • Added optional <config-version> field to config file format and is exposed in /health. This can help you track whether your new config has been loaded.
  • Added last_config_reload field to /health (UNIX timestamp)
  • Added --test/-t flag for checking config file syntax
  • Added warning if default passwords used (hackme/adminhackme)
  • Prevent blank passwords from being used.
  • Improved Icecast compatibility:
    • Implemented <hidden> mount flag from Icecast, which hides a stream from the emulated Icecast status page and status-json.xsl page.
    • Added <alias> directive, allowing you to remap URL paths.
    • Added the "stream started" timestamp to Icecast status page and to the status-json.xsl.
  • HTTP referer now shows up in the access log.
  • The "referer" header is not supported by all browsers and players, which can make traffic attribution tricky. To make accounting for your traffic sources easier, you can now override this header by setting the "referer" querystring parameter. (eg. /mystream?referer=myapp)
  • Source and Listener Auth Webhooks can now return icecast-resp-status and icecast-resp-reason headers to make RSAS return a custom response when denying a listener or source.
  • HTTP 400 Bad Request template now included.
  • DEBs for Debian 11 now available.
  • CentOS 6 has been deprecated.


  • Fixed serving static files on Windows, which prevented the LetsEncrypt wizard from working for some users.
  • Fixed FLAC compatibility with BUTT encoder.
  • Fixed rare relay race condition that could lead to a crash.
  • Fixed HTTP "referer" always being blank in the access log.
  • Fixed a rare crash related to TLS.

What's Next?

RSAS 0.1.21 is planned to come shortly, and will include improved HTTP/1.1 support for serving static audio files on-demand, such as podcasts. It will allow seekable playback of large audio and video (!) files out-of-the-box.

These features will also help round out our HLS implementation, which we're hoping to release as an experimental feature soon.

Audio preroll (aka intro files) is high on our list of priorities and we are planning this for Fall 2021. We're hoping to throw in some experimental features with this too, like the ability to trigger audio insertion mid-stream (mid-roll).

Looking for other features? RSAS development is driven by your feedback, so get in touch and let us know how we can help your online audio streaming.

Lastly, we would like to thank our dedicated users for all your feedback on our previous releases. Your feedback has helped us make RSAS better for the global broadcasting community. Thank you!

RSAS Logo RSAS 0.1.18 Released

We're pleased to announce the release of RSAS 0.1.18! Rocket Streaming Audio Server (RSAS) is a high-performance webserver designed for broadcasting live streaming audio through the web, with low latency and high listener capacity.

This release adds a couple new features including persistent relays, SNI support for multiple SSL/TLS certificates, as well as major performance optimizations, bugfixes, and more. The update is the culmination of 6 months of development work which included over 18 minor alpha releases that were tested across the globe.

Get RSAS 0.1.18 today from our downloads page.

Persistent Relays

Persistent relays are now the default type of relay. In previous releases, all relays were "on-demand", which meant they only started relaying after the first listener attempted to connect. Persistent relays automatically connect at startup and will continually try to reconnect if the stream ever drops. Since a relay must be online before it can be used as a fallback, persistent relays are now recommended for fallbacks.

Read about more about Persistent Relays in the documentation.

SNI support, for multiple SSL/TLS certificates

A single RSAS instance can now use multiple TLS certificates. This is needed when you have multiple domains pointing at a single server and you wish to use HTTPS on all of them. RSAS can now load a different TLS certificate for each configured hostname, via a mechanism called SNI.

To configure multiple TLS certificates, a new <vhosts> section needs to be declared in your config file.

Read about configuring multiple TLS certificates in the docs.

Major performance improvements

Various parts of RSAS have seen major performance improvements, including a large reduction in CPU usage and reduced disk access. We're working on new benchmarks, but so far we've seen that RSAS can handle over 10X the listeners compared to the other streaming server software we tested.


Please see the "Behaviour change" notes below. Most users should be able to upgrade without issue. Users with large numbers of relays should test that persistent relays operate as intended with their setup. If you need the old on-demand relay behaviour instead of persistent relays, add <on-demand>1</on-demand> to your <relay> config section.

Other Changes in RSAS 0.1.18

Here's a list of other changes in this release:

  • Added option to limit listener session duration on a per-mount basis (<max-listener-duration>). See the docs on Listener Duration Limits.
  • Added icecast-auth-timelimit header from source webhook auth. If specified, it imposes a timelimit on the listener. See the docs on Timelimit for Webhook Listener Auth.
  • Icecast-compatible header passthrough (via POST vars) for webhook listener and source auth. (<options name="headers" ...> and header_prefix). See the docs on passing through HTTP headers with listener auth webhooks.
  • Added server_start and stream_start metrics to /status-json.xsl
  • Added SNI support, for using multiple SSL certificates with different hostnames, via <vhosts>. Read more about SNI / VHosts / multiple TLS certificates.
  • Behaviour change: Default to persistent relays instead of on-demand (Use 1 in your section for on-demand behaviour.)
  • Behaviour change: /<mount>/metadata now returns JSON by default unless explicitly used with an EventSource for streaming metadata.
  • Behaviour change: Drop unwritten log lines if the backlog exceeds 10K records, to avoid blocking under high load.
  • Bugfix: Fixed rare memory leak with TLS
  • Bugfix: Fixed DNS lookups blocking for relays
  • Bugfix: Fixed TLS negotiation with clients that don't support SNI
  • Bugfix: Fixed glitchy audio playback via Google Assistant.
  • Bugfix: Fixed listener authentication race condition.
  • Bugfix: Improved compatibility with Unity game engine - Only send in-band ICY metadata if it changed.
  • Bugfix: Various other bugfixes

What's next?

We'll be continuing to refine RSAS and improve the features that our users are utilizing the most. Over the last few months, much of our effort was focused on optimization and refinement of existing features. We are still experimenting with HLS and working on rounding out the HLS feature set. We've also laid the groundwork for some other features we're not yet ready to announce, so stay tuned.

Looking for other features? RSAS development is driven by your feedback, so get in touch and let us know how we can help your online audio streaming.

RSAS Logo RSAS 0.1.17 Released

We're pleased to announce the release of RSAS 0.1.17! Rocket Streaming Audio Server (RSAS) is a high-performance webserver designed for broadcasting live audio through the web, with low latency and high listener capacity.

This release adds a new Metadata History API, Icecast-compatible status page (optional), customizable error pages, and more.

Get RSAS 0.1.17 today from our downloads page.

Metadata History API

A new JSON API is available that provides the last 10 received metadata updates, which can be used to display recently played tracks. Previously, developers had to build their own server-side play history solution, but now RSAS saves you time by having this built-in.

Visit /mount/metadata-history on your RSAS server to test it out, or read the Metadata History API docs for more information.

Read about more about the Metadata History API in the documentation.

Customizable Error Pages

RSAS now displays user-friendly error pages, which can be customized. Templates for the error pages are now bundled with RSAS for Windows and in our DEB/RPM packages.

Read more about the new customizable Error Page Templates in the docs.

Improved Source Behaviour

RSAS will now retain listeners for up to 10 seconds after a source disconnects, to allow sources to reconnect and resume broadcasting to those listeners. This also applies to relays.

Icecast-compatible Status Page

An optional Icecast-compatible Status Page and JSON endpoint (/status-json.xsl) can now be enabled. Some web-based player widgets and other services designed for Icecast get stream metadata by trying to scrape the JSON endpoint, and this update makes RSAS compatible with those players and services.

The Icecast-compatible status page can be enabled on Linux by adding the following to your config file:


On Windows, the Icecast-compatible Status Page can be enable via the Configuration screen.

Read more about the Icecast-compatible Status Page in the docs.

Other Changes in RSAS 0.1.17

Here's a list of other changes in this release:

  • Performance improvements
  • TLS certificate errors are now non-fatal on service reload.
  • Various relay and fallback bugfixes, including:
    • Fallback override now works with relays, allowing listeners to be moved back from a fallback mount to a relay if it reconnects.
    • Improved relay reconnection logic
    • Bitrate/channels/samplerate info is now shown in /health for relays.
  • Improved logging, especially related to relays and fallbacks, to aid troubleshooting.
  • Authentication options (<option>) can now be removed during config reloads.
  • Added CORS headers to all error responses.
  • Improved compatibility when relaying from AIS and Shoutcast 2.5.5
  • Added a DEB package for Ubuntu 16.04
  • Added experimental FreeBSD 12 package

What's next?

We're planning to implement persistent relays (non-on-demand) next and are experimenting with some ideas for <alias> mounts. We're still pushing towards support for HLS and hope to ship at least experimental HLS support soon.

Looking for other features? RSAS development is driven by your feedback, so get in touch and let us know how we can help your online audio streaming.

RSAS Logo RSAS 0.1.16 Released

We're pleased to announce the release of RSAS 0.1.16! Rocket Streaming Audio Server (RSAS) is a high-performance webserver designed for broadcasting live audio through the web, with low latency and high listener capacity.

This release adds HTTPS stream relaying, fast start and low latency modes, improved source encoder compatibility, and more. We've also added packages for Ubuntu 20.04 and FreeBSD 12.

Get RSAS 0.1.16 today from our downloads page.

HTTPS Stream Relaying

Relaying HTTPS streams is now supported! To make this possible, we've improved and simplified the config syntax for relays, by introducing a new <url> tag which replaces the confusing <server>, <port>, and <mount> syntax inherited from Icecast. For compatibility, the old syntax is still supported, but the new syntax is required if you want to specify the protocol (eg. https://).

As an example, adding an HTTPS relay to your config is now as easy as:


Read about more on Relaying in the documentation.

Fast Start and Low Latency Mode

Certain web browsers take longer to start playback with RSAS because they have a large playback buffer and wait for it to fill before playing. This release adds a new, optional URL parameter that allows you to accelerate the start of playback, at the expense of increased latency. By adding ?latency=high to the end of your stream URL, web browsers will start playing more quickly.

Additionally, we've added a ?latency=low mode that allows you to experiment with even lower latency. The benefit of these options being URL parameters is that you can tailor the latency for different devices or browsers without having to change your configuration.

Read more about Fast Start / Low Latency Mode in the docs.

Improved Encoder Compatibility

This update improves compatibility with several older Icecast source encoders, including SAM and StationPlaylist. These encoders all speak a slightly different ICE/1.0 protocol, which is a consequence of there being no real written specification or standard for Icecast streaming. As of now, every encoder that we know of that is Icecast-compatible works with RSAS.

Webpage Serving

You can now serve a webpage at the / URL by creating an index.html file in your webroot directory. RSAS already supported static file serving, but this release includes some important bugfixes related to that for Windows users.

What else is new in RSAS 0.1.16?

Here's a full list of changes in this release:

  • Improved compatibility with older ICE/1.0 source clients (SAM, SPL).
  • Relaying of HTTPS streams added via a new <url> tag that can be nested under <relay>. Read the docs for more information.
  • Added "latency" querystring for listeners, to allow for playback to start quicker vs. less latency.
  • The / URL is now aliased to index.html. Create an index.html file to create a homepage at the / URL.
  • Reduced memory usage for Server-Sent Events metadata stream
  • Improved cache headers, to prevent browser caching (Cache-Control: no-store, Date/Expires).
  • Added <hostname> setting, for future work.
  • Added correct mimetype for MPEG-TS files (.ts)
  • Added OPTIONS HTTP request handling
  • Bugfix: Escape pipe symbols in playlist.log
  • Bugfix: Fixed mimetypes for static files on Windows (they don't all download as attachments anymore.)
  • Bugfix: Fixed relaying from Nimble Streamer
  • Bugfix: Wildcard mount settings aren't applied to static audio files - avoids them being treated as looping audio.
  • Bugfix: Apply port 8000 firewall rule to rsas.exe in installer, instead for the service.
  • Bugfix: Fixed several bugs in X-Forwarded-For handling.
  • Bugfix: Escape Server-Sent Events metadata
  • Bugfix: Fixed relaying streams with apostrophes in metadata.

What's next?

We've been continuing to work on HLS support in RSAS, which will bring HLS to the Icecast ecosystem. As part of this work, we're also adding support for MPEG-TS streams, which may be useful for certain niches.

If you need HLS support, we'd love to hear from you to learn more about your needs. Please get in touch!

Looking for other features? RSAS development is driven by your feedback, so get in touch and let us know how we can help your online audio streaming.

RSAS Logo RSAS 0.1.14 Released

We're pleased to announce the release of RSAS 0.1.14! Rocket Streaming Audio Server (RSAS) is a high-performance webserver designed for broadcasting live audio through the web, with low latency and high listener capacity.

Get RSAS 0.1.14 today from our downloads page.

Let's Encrypt HTTPS Wizard for RSAS

With the recent release of Chrome 80, Google has started blocking embedded HTTP audio streams in websites that are using HTTPS. The dreaded "mixed content warning" now means streams embedded in websites won't play at all. The solution is to use HTTPS for your audio stream.

As a result of these policy changes, we've had a numerous users switching from Icecast and SHOUTcast over to RSAS, for its excellent HTTPS support. For Linux users, we already have a guide for on setting up RSAS using free Let's Encrypt certificates, but we're committed to first-class support for Windows, and we wanted to make the HTTPS setup process easier for Windows users too.

With RSAS 0.1.14 for Windows, we've built-in a new HTTPS wizard, to automatically request Let's Encrypt TLS/SSL certificates and configure HTTPS for you. Setting up HTTPS for your audio stream is now easier than ever before.

Let's Encrypt HTTPS wizard for streaming audio
The new HTTPS Wizard allows you to easily get a free Let's Encrypt TLS/SSL certificate, and configure HTTPS.
Let's Encrypt HTTPS wizard page 2
All you need to do are point a domain at your server, and ensure port 80 and 443 are accessible from the internet (forward the ports on your router).

What's new in RSAS 0.1.14?

  • Let's Encrypt HTTPS Wizard (Windows only)
    • Easily setup HTTPS using our new HTTPS Wizard. Automatically requests a certificate for your from Let's Encrypt, configures HTTPS, and setups up automatic certificate renewal for you.
  • Fixed a bug causing high CPU usage after certain fallback transitions
  • Improved error log readability

Looking for HTTPS audio stream hosting?

Over at Radio Mast, we offer streaming audio hosting with HTTPS, starting at just $5 / month, through our global streaming audio CDN.

What's next?

Looking for other features? RSAS development is driven by your feedback, so get in touch and let us know how we can help your online audio streaming.

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