Upgrade to RSAS Pro

Unlock streaming to unlimited listeners

Free vs. Pro

Upgrade for only $25 per month

Free Pro
Stream all major codecs

MP3, AAC, AAC+, Ogg Opus, Ogg Vorbis, and Ogg FLAC

Low latency
Max simultaneous listeners 100 Unlimited
Instances per physical server 1 1 per license seat
Priority support

Easy Upgrade

Upgrade your existing installation to RSAS Pro

After subscribing, a license key file will immediately be sent to you by email, which you can install to upgrade your existing RSAS installation to RSAS Pro.

  • Windows: Click File->Install Pro License... and choose your license file.
  • Linux: Copy your license.key file to /etc/rsas/ and restart RSAS. More information.


Safe and secure
RSAS Pro is available from the Oscillicious Shop.

Choose a plan: