Streaming Audio News and Tips

RSAS 1.0.5 Released

We're pleased to announce the release of RSAS 1.0.5. Rocket Streaming Audio Server (RSAS) is a high-performance webserver for distributing live streaming audio through the web, optimized for low latency and high numbers of simultaneous listeners.

This new release is a recommended update for all users.

Download RSAS 1.0.5 today from our Downloads page.

Looped Audio Files

We've redesigned the Looped Audio Files feature (aka fallback files) to solve some long-standing issues, allowing them to now be much more useful as fallbacks. Fallback files no longer rely on client-side buffering to throttle playback, which improves compatibility with players and prevents delay from accumulating. Looped Audio File sources now start automatically too, which makes them more usable as fallbacks in practice.

When connected to a Looped Audio File mount, listeners will now all hear the same audio from a common playback position. Previously, each listener would hear the audio starting from the beginning of the file. We acknowledge this change in behaviour may not be ideal for all broadcasters, but in order to implement the other usability improvements mentioned above, we had to make a tradeoff, and this was a result of that.

HLS Improvements

HLS playlists now include the EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME, which helps players do timeshifting over long periods of itme.

Dependencies and Build Overhaul

We've performed a major upgrade of our build system as part of ongoing maintenance necessary to keep RSAS production-ready, secure, and supported on as many platforms as possible. RSAS has been upgraded to use OpenSSL 3.1 and is now statically linked against it, to allow us to continue supporting older Linux distributions for longer. These build system changes also recently allowed us to respond quickly to security concerns over liblzma and audit our use of it.

Speaking of builds, we've added support for Ubuntu 24.04, which is the new Ubuntu LTS release slated for April 25th.

Other Changes

For a full list of changes including bugfixes, please refer to the CHANGELOG.